This message is from: Heather Baskey <>

Hello All,
I went to my "first" off-site clinic yesterday with Henry.  For 2 days prior I
could hardly sleep.  Worried about a million things, including how Henry would
handle an all day clinic (he's not 3 until the end of May) - my nerves were
fried before the trailer arrived.

Well?  Henry was a star  - he settled very quickly in the new arena, settled
into his designated stall (he's a 24/7 pasture guy) and he was VERY okay with
all the different horses and people (there was 10 of us in the clinic).
Mummy is very proud of him!!! and was proud to answer all the very many
questions that came about (e.g., breed, temperment, where did I find him, and
of course, "the mane").
I never thought I would manage taking him off site (my confidence level) and
it was really a great experience and so proud to bring an amazing Fjord with
me.  Everyone thought he was much older than he is and were quite taken back
how a "baby" could be so connected and well behaved.
Heather (proud mummy of Henry Fjord)
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