This message is from: "Cherie Mascis" <>

Since we're talking about snake whispering......when I was working on cruise ships teaching snorkeling and diving (after I worked with all the exotic animals at Marine World) we took a catamaran trip to a nice snorkeling area in St. Lucia every week. One week, as we pulled in, I noticed a great deal of commotion on the beach. About 5 local young men were yelling, throwing sand and whacking at something on the sand.

I ran over to see what they were doing and they were tormenting a 3-4 ft red-tail boa! They grabbed me and pushed me out of the way saying, "Watch out lady, VERY DANGEROUS snake, we'll protect you!"

I was livid that they were going to kill it and shoved them out of the way, carefully picked up the angry, hissing snake, washed it off in the sea and let it go back into the jungle.

The guys stood there with their mouths hanging open. With all their bravado, they were really scared to death of the snake!

The next week, the same guys showed up on the beach and gave me a wooden bracelet carved like a snake and were jokingly calling me the "Snake Goddess"!

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