This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <>

> "Debby" <> wrote:
> Anyone know a great source of wildflower seeds, for horse specific
> pastures.  I'd found one, but thought I'd see if anyone on the list
> had a reputable catalog/company they purchased from.  And what
> wildflower seeds many like.

Proceed with caution.  I've found that some of the wildflower seeds
sold locally contain things that are not native to this area.  In the
catalog, the description just says they "will naturalize well", which
is a polite way of saying that once it's planted, you'll have a hard
time getting rid of it---which is the basic description of an invasive
weed!  Other wildflower seed mixes contain things that are actually
poisonous to livestock, like larkspur and lupine.

Make sure that whatever you buy has a list of what "wildflowers" are
actually in it, then research each one, to see if it's really
something you want your "eats anything" equines to have in their

Marsha Jo Hannah                Murphy must have been a horseman--               anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

Where common pasture "wildflowers" include feral daffodils and lawn

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