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   Support Funding for U.S. Trails
The American Horse Council and the Equestrian Land Conservation Resource
(ELCR), of which the AMHA is a member, is working to preserve the Federal
Highway Administration Recreational Trails Program. If Congress does not take
action this year, this program might no longer be available to recreational

The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provides funding directly to the states
for recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both non-motorized
and motorized recreational trail uses. It was created as part of the
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 and was last
reauthorized in 2005 as part of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users; however, this law is about to
expire. The RTP will have to be reauthorized in the next national surface
transportation program bill if it is to continue.

Since its inception, the RTP has provided approximately $677 million for
thousands of state and local trail projects across the country, including many
that benefit equestrians. RTP projects consist of construction, maintenance,
and restoration of trails and trail-related facilities as well as the
acquisition of easements or property for trails.

Although each state manages its own program, 30 percent of RTP funds must be
spent on non-motorized projects like equestrian trails, 30 percent on
motorized, and 40 percent on multi-use projects.

In the coming months, Congress is expected to begin work on the next five-year
highway bill. The American Horse Council (AHC), in conjunction with a broad
coalition of recreational trail users, is requesting that Congress not only
reauthorize the RTP, but also increase funding for the program to $555 million
to be spent during the five years of the bill.

"AMHA is working with ELCR, and we need our members help to ensure that our
trails stay funded and functional for equestrian activities," said Julie
Broadway, AMHA executive director.

AHC is urging recreational riders to contact their members of Congress to
voice support for this program. Contact information for your representatives
and senators can be found at and

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