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I have read so many suggestions about the situation, but nobody had mention 
another very simple approach: Don't try to tie the horse or make it otherwise 
stand still. A horse that doesn't want to stand still will not be standing 
still by force of one person when there is fear envolved. If your vet is a savy 
person he/she would lead the horse in very small circles and give the shot 
while the horse is moving. It will keep the horse somewhat off balance because 
the neck is bend towards the person leading it and it is therefore next to 
impossible for the horse to hurt the person or bolt away. You would also avoid 
the build up of the tension because the horse is still moving which is part of 
the relaxing part of the deal. It has so far worked for me if somebodyreally 
doesn't like needles.

Good luck

Heike Lewandowski

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