This message is from: "Robin" <>

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and my husband,
Michael, and also to thank and acknowledge some of the wonderful people that
we have come to know in the Fjord community . Although I read the Fjord digest
almost daily this is the first time I am submitting a post.

We recently purchased two wonderful Fjord geldings from Phillip Odden of
Odden's Norwegian Fjord Horses. Odden's Fenris and Odden's Gunnar are full
brothers and are exceptional horses. Both are very calm, willing, interactive,
intelligent and well mannered. We are thrilled to have them here and wanted to
express our thanks and appreciation to Phil for not only the wonderful Fjords
but also for all his time and the attention he gave to us. We were unable to
see either of these horses in person prior to purchasing them but between
Phil's accurate descriptions of the horses along with Else's wonderful photos
we felt very comfortable in our decision to purchase them. I also want to
thank Phil for his excellent ongoing communications and updates on how their
training was progressing.

My husband and I have had horses for many years but we have only recently
discovered the Fjord. About 8 years ago Michael had a bad fall off a horse
that had bolted. After that incident he did not ride again and was very
untrusting of horses. Last spring he came across an article in Trail Rider
magazine about rare breeds. He showed me the article and pointed to the
Norwegian Fjord and stated that was the horse he would be willing to ride. So
began our search for our Fjord.

One of the first people I spoke with was Marcia Pace of Fjordbergen Farm who
was selling a beautiful 7 year old gelding, Torlend. Unfortunately, at that
time fuel prices were at their highest and the cost of transporting him from
Washington to Pennsylvania was astronomical. After she sold Torlend to another
party Marcia kept in touch and spent quite a bit of time trying to locate
another Fjord for us. I was so impressed that this person that I hardly knew
would be that generous with her time assisting us in our search. Marcia
suggested we contact Phil whom she said was extremely knowledgeable about the
breed and had an excellent reputation.

As per Marcia's suggestion I called Phil. He had just returned from an elk
hunting trip to Colorado with some of his Fjords. It was fascinating to hear
about the trip and how well his Fjords responded in some very interesting
situations. Cool, calm and collected as you would expect them to be. After
describing to Phil the characteristics we were looking for he suggested
Fenris. He said that he was very calm, analytical and interactive with people.
We said we were interested and mentioned that we would be using him primarily
as a trail horse. Phil had worked with Fenris before and said he would
continue his training concentrating on trail riding. He wanted to make sure
that Fenris was not only calm on the trail but would willingly go through
water, brush, etc. Phil has a wonderful philosophy about training. He is very
patient and he respects his horses and they in turn trust and respect him. The
effectiveness of his training methods is very apparent in how well mannered
and responsive both Fenris and Gunnar are.

Fenris arrived last December and my husband and I both fell in love with him
as soon as he walked off the trailer. He was everything that Phil said he was.
I guess it was at that moment in time that two new potato chip craving Fjord
lovers came to be. Shortly thereafter we began looking into purchasing
Fenris's younger brother, Gunnar. Phil began working with Gunnar and soon told
us that he felt Gunnar was as good as Fenris and maybe even more willing and
quick to learn. I could not imagine that this was possible as Fenris was
perfection in my eyes. Phil continued to train Gunnar and began driving him
with his large Fjord Herger. He commented that they made a good team and
Gunnar was doing exceptionally well driving.

Gunnar arrived here about 3 weeks ago. I have to agree with Phil. As wonderful
as Fenris is Gunnar is one of the kindest, most willing and agreeable horses I
have ever known. In the time he has been here I have never seen him spook at
anything which I guess is appropriate since the name Gunnar means "bold
warrior". We have had him on the trail and on the road and nothing fazes him.
Within the first week he was here two motorcycles passed us as I walking him
along the road and he was totally indifferent to them. He is truly amazing.

Coincidentally, Marcia emailed me a few weeks ago a couple of days prior to
Gunnar's arrival to let me know that she was selling her 4 year old gelding,
Soren, who in fact was born on her farm. I had not been in touch with Marcia
for a while so although she knew we had purchased Fenris she was unaware that
the brothers were about to be reunited. The timing of her email was pretty

We also want to take this opportunity to thank Patti Jo Walter of Francis
Creek Fjords who was also helping us find a Fjord when we first began our
search last fall and again recently when we were (believe it or not)
contemplating purchasing a third Fjord. Patti Jo is amazing in what she does.
She is very honest in her assessment of the horses she is selling and is
concerned about matching the right horse with its new owner. She had some very
nice horses but we came to our senses and decided to stop at the 2 Fjords (for

Sorry that this is starting to sound like an acceptance speech for an academy
award but I would like to thank two more people, Anita Unrau and Brian
Jacobsen, who provided me with valuable information about the breed.

I cannot tell you enough how impressed I am with the people I have mentioned
as well as some other members of the Fjord community that I have had the
pleasure of talking with. Initially I was amazed at the common thread between
these people; their kindness, friendliness, generosity and willingness to
assist. Then I realized that of course they would share these characteristics.
After all these are the same qualities that they admire and appreciate in
their Fjords.

We hope to make it up to Barronett, WI sometime to attend one of Phil's
driving weekends. We look forward to learning to drive as well as meeting
Phil, Else and the rest of their Fjord family.

Robin Urbach and Michael Van Sickle
Wooly Acres

Phil -
Marcia -
Patti Jo -

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