This message is from: "Debby" <>

Can anyone and everyone who does dressage with their fjords please tell me
what brand dressage saddles they use.  I'm looking for one to fit both horses,
and both use extra wide trees...One of the horses does have a shorter back, so
thats something to consider.  I have a nice saddle but it does not fit me, it
puts me in a chair position as I'm too short...I need the saddle to really
help with my position.  But, and this is a biggy, I cannot spend 4000. I'm
being told by a retailer to get the one to fit my horses and myself, thats how
much money I will have to spend.  I am an amateur rider, I love dressage, I've
finally found a trainer that is going to take the younger one in September and
October for undersaddle work, along with me getting lessons...I hope to haul
my gelding for lessons too, and if need be, put him with her for a month.  But
I need a saddle.  I have one of the wintec dressage saddles, too HARD for my
seat.  I want it comfy for me and the horses and right that too
much to ask for and not spend more than 2500.?  I'd have liked the Vega
monoflap, but she said it wouldn't fit the fjords as it doesn't come wide
enough.  At the most I will take lessons and hopefully hopefully maybe do a
clinic here and there...but I won't show...I do this for me and only for me,
and the horses of course.
So dressage or eventers, what dressage saddles do you ride your fjords in...
thanks all.

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