This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <>

Just thought I'd write in and talk a bit about Blue Earth 2009. WHAT A GREAT SHOW. THANK YOU to Jessica Reuterskiold and Kathy Blaszczyk our Show Chairs for the show. Guess when you have two ladies that you can't pronounce or spell their name don't worry, cause they are GREAT workers and organizers and we had a very successful show! THANK YOU ladies! Also thank you to those that came, numbers might have been down, but the classes were good size. Older Geldings for halter, around 15. Mares was big too, riding adult classes 8-13, driving same, games large number both in the games for riding and drivinig, those are always FUN. Not sure final numbers but maybe around 450-470 enteries????

Just some highlights now but watch for an article in the Herald I already have a title and know what I want to put in there. But for now............... GREAT looking Fjord horses at our show. NICE NICE halter classes, Riding classes, GREAT competition. Always gets better and better. Was wonderful to be in there with all of you. Driving, boy there is something just gorgeous about Fjords in harness. Teams, single, unicorn, 4 up, they just take my breath away! GORGEOUS. Do think Bob G. and family could have the club over for beer and he'd probably have enough to serve it in, as first place winners got engraved mugs and they went home with a boat load of mugs. WAY TO GO Bob and Therine! You guys rox! David Lusty won the Farm Hitch class, which was amazing to watch. What skill those drivers have. It was NO easy class either, they had to hitch and unhitch unassisted, drive through obstacles like a clothes line, drive over tires, drive past the chicken yard(ok not real chickens but blow up ones and flowers that spun in the wind). Then back up with only inches on each side, take out the milk jug from the wagon and place on the barrels, just amazing how GREAT they ALL were! We sure have some really SKILLED people in our club. Our days went by fast, but the show even with the rain on Tuesday went very smoothly. Thank you to ALL who volunteered, show could NOT be done with out EACH and EVERY ONE OF YOU!!! THANK YOU.

Youth classes were larger I think then last year, VERY nice group of youth. Keelie Finnel won high point, Alison Austin was reserve, nice job! Kristin Lee won Adult high point and her horse Yaeger won Versatilty. Dave Schwartz was our judge this year, he is not a Fjord judge, but he knows a good horse when he sees it, knows conformationand movement and well.....a good horse is a good horse. Think he did an excellent job.

We missed those that were not able to attend, it is a big family gathering and you just miss family when all are not there. But, the show must go on. Hopefully NEXT year we'll see more family! 2010 is our 25th anniversary. We have MANY things in the works for our show, we'll let you know as they become a reality. Plan to attend I think you will be happy you did. 3rd week in July 2010 Blue Earth MN, it's the place to be in July!!!

Sure I missed many things in this above writing, VERY tired today, but since super happy and smiling as it was really a GREAT show. EVERYONE working together to make our show the place to be!!!!! THANK YOU ALL AGAIN!

Patti Jo Walter

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