This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <>
I have been so busy this summer that I have not posted much, but had to
chuckle about Fjords shedding and wanted to jot a few lines about that. I
have observed through the many years that I have had Fjords, that they are
very sensitive to the solstices. If you pay close attention, they will
start sloughing long winter hairs by around Christmas time (winter solstice
is I think Dec. 21). It can be colder than heck & they are getting ready
for summer! Gives me a glimmer of hope when in the throws of WINTER!
Summer solstice is June 21 - yup, those darned Fjords start shedding and
getting ready for winter - GRRR!!! It can be 105 in the shade and they are
starting the process to put on fluff.
Has anyone else noticed this about their Fjords?
We are preparing for the Evaluation and show in Moses Lake the end of this
month. I hope it isn't TOO summer there. It can be very hot & nasty there
in August. Kind of hard to make then perk up and look like they are having
fun when I just feel like a puddle of melted butter!
Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR
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