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Hi Karen, I thought a fijador was the knot you tied in the "reins" that are attached to the bosal....which I would not confuse with a throat latch. Am I not getting it? (Jim is starting to use a bosal on some of his horses and would love to really know how to use it properly. Gail Glad you are taking the time to use the bosal, which I think for some folks is a misunderstood & under-rated bridle. I use it occasionally on my 'broke' horses as a refresher to tune on them but avoiding the mouth. I do prefer to use a fiajador though, which is sort of looks like a throatlatch, but is really a way to positively keep the balance on the nose in 'neutral' so a release is always a reward. Important FjordHorse List Links: Subscription Management: FH-L Archives: Classified Ads: