This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <>

Hi Again,

I can't believe that I forgot to mention in my last post - the 'stall door'
party afterwards.  For you football fans, that is the horsey equivalent of a
'tail gate party'!  LOL!!

Back at the barn, there was champagne flowing, lots of cameras flashing, Wez
poking his head out and POSING like a ham AND a big sheet cake with a Fjord on
it.  Someone did an excellent job of drawing the Fjord in frosting and it was
OMG deliscious with several flavors of cake in cluding - what else - carrot
cake.  Wez told me that was his FAVORITE!  Personally, I preferred the
chocolate part with a load of cream cheese frosting!  IMHO, afterall, the only
reason for cake is to hold up the frosting.  LOL!!

A good time was had by all.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

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