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Is it 4 ? 

Had a few min. today to continue ( finish in 2 more parts ) Lauras and my 
big adventure. The puppy litter is keeping me busy along with 20 Fjords so 
hit and miss here. Anyone interested in seeing new updated pics of the 
CORGI's, and / or the fall leaves on the mountian here, I have some nice 
so write. 


After a few days of hanging out here and more riding, Laura and I left for 
a journey over the mountian to Escalente and the Grand Staircase National 
Monument. My Fjord buddy Jeanie works there as a Park Ranger and she 
supervises several visitor centers at the monument. Jeanie has several Fjords 
also Mustangs she uses to trail ride.
In Sep. of 1976, Pres. Clinton proclaimed 1.7 MILLION acres of UT. as a 
National Monument, the first to be run by the BLM instead of the National Parks 
Service. This proclaimation preserved some of the most unique and remote 
area of the West. It actually takes up a large portion of the State of UT. 
when looking at a map.

To get there, we headed up on Cedar Mountian across Hwy 14, which is a " 
Scenic Byway " to Hwy's 12 and 89 which run all the way towards and past Bryce 
Canyon. It is about a 3 hour drive over to Jeanies place and every min of 
it was beautiful. We saw very few cars at Bryce Canyon, again after Labor Day 
it is very nice to visit. Spotted a herd of Antelope as we drove through a 
portion of the Park.

We arrived in Escalante where Jeanie and her husband
 ( also a * retired Park Ranger ) have a home right up against a part of 
the monument. There is a huge rock arch on the wall of rock behind their 
house. 200 or so hummingbirds stay there at their place and Jeanie gos through 
lbs of sugar a WEEK in the summer feeding them, along with lots of seed for 
the other zillions of birds they have. Larry is a gardener big time and it 
all makes their little ranch a very special place to visit. They also have 5 
border collies, cats, milk and fiber goats and chickens.

We all took off into the GS Monument and stopped at Calf Creek Falls 
Campground for a look. HUGE towering dark red rock walls is the order of the 
along with fun water crossings and a senic overlook where you can see panels 
of petroglyphs and the " 100 Hands " pictograph sacred site of the Hopi 
from an overlook. We stopped at my favorite cafe, the Kiva Cafe where they only 
have around 12 tables wrapped around the window wall with its unreal views. 

I didnt even think about my flat land WI. friend having a problem, but as 
she got out of the JEEP, she about turned green, then white. The rock 
mountians that tower over and around you have giant swirls and alot of " motion 
to them. They used to lay under an ocean ( they find whale bones there along 
with dinosaurs ) and she was not used to looking UP and had started to * 
SWOON, for lack of better words. 
Not sure that Laura enjoyed lunch as much as Jeanie and I did. Her color 
returned slightly when we got back in the car, but not much. 

Over part of the Monument towards the town of Boulder is an experience in 
itself. You get to drive the " Hogsback " where slowly you have the road and 
even shoulder drop off till you are sort of " perched " on the top of a 
narrow Hwy with drop offs on both sides of your car and NO FRICKEN GUARD RAILS. 
Planes fly lower than you drive. 

Jeff told me once that whenever you actually see a guard rail in UT. it 
means that alot of people have " gone over the edge "  ( ha ha funny man ) 
which does not help my mood or nerves as I try to stay centered in my lane for 
few miles. One tiny wind gust or little swerve would put you down so far 
that Search and Rescue wouldnt even bother to try and fetch the car or your 
remains.  It is a test of nerves of steel and mine do not qualify. I just want 
to turn my wheel and go OFF, you know, sort of like wanting to jump off a 
rollar coaster.....which IF I rode, Im sure that I would throw myself off to 
avoid falling out. Sort of a control ( or lack of ) issue. 

Maybe you have to be there to understand. 

Anyway, we made it across the Terror Hwy. to Boulder and visited one of 
Jeanies visitor centers there, the Anasazi Museum. It is located right on top 
of a real deal excavated living site for ancient people, and after visiting 
all of the artifacts there, you walk out back where the pit houses and intact 
living areas sit. The fire burned timbers for the roofs and pottery sherds 
lay around on the edges of the ruins and you can go in and see " up close " 
and dirty, how they lived. Very cool ! 

Then we took a drive down the " Burr Trail " into Long Canyon where the RED 
RED striped rocks rise up on both sides of the road upwards for miles. 
Jeanie knows where there is a cool slot canyon, so we hiked back into it where 
it turns dark and cooler within a few yards of the opening. There is dripping 
water, moss and trees in there, but when you hike back out, the desert and 
dry catus and white sand  just hits you like no other place inside of 20 ft. 
Sensory overload. Laura was a little pink by then, but still couldnt turn 
her head to fast.

We stopped the JEEP and let her see dinosaur tracks headed up the rock on 
the side of the road. Its a funny thing to see peoples reaction when instead 
of seeing a 5 ft. square track of some monster, they are palm sz. like 
turkey tracks inbedded in the rock. Hey, there had to be little monsters for 
BIG ones to eat, right ?

Eagles, turkey vultures, deer, antelope, lizzards, lots of desert bugs, 
tons of wildlife live there. We sadly headed back to Jeanies place and took off 
towards Cedar Mountian where we were going to try and catch the " Star 
Gazing Party " at the Cedar Breaks monument, up on the midway point towards 
home, but when we reached Hwy 89, it was starting to rain and the skys and 
lightening turned us back to go home up over Hwy 20, a truck route instead. 
choice, as it was really comming down up near the top and I doubt we missed 
anything at Cedar Breaks. 

Long fun day.      

Part 5 ? LAST one later. It involves lots of FJORDS so tune in.             

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