This message is from: As far as comfortable helmets: Tipperary: well vented for schooling/ summer/trail; extends down the back of the head for good protection. Show: Charles Owen gr8 All the eventers I know wear the GPA Speed Air; At over 500 dollars its the priciest; but since they routinely gallop and jump; certainly cheaper than a new brain! the Tipperary sportage is about 60 dollars and the Charles Owen over 200. All of them are ASTM/SEI certified which is at least some assurance that it provides cushioning for the brain on impact. Troxel also makes inexpensive helmets; and the Sierra trail model is the one my husband likes. Just my 2 cents Susan; owned by Alf, Valdemar, Billy & Bojangles[ all of whom don't care what we wear as long as we have carrots]
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