This message is from: Linda Lottie <>

Good Morning, Fjord Lovers :)
The MN Horse Expo 2010 will be held the end of April 2010, in St Paul MN.  Our
MN group has a great new location with LOTS of traffic.
We also have a generous display area.
If you want to send me "for sale", "farm",  "at stud", training,  or
merchandise for sale information to put on display, please get your PHOTOS
taken while the weather is still nice and the wooly coats are not 4" deep -
DO NOT send me anything until 2010......I'll let you know when to
send.......this is just a "heads up" to anyone who would like to have
information at the expo.
I suggest you make 40-50 copies of whatever you want to card STAPLED to the information.......we will put out
a few each day for 4 days.  Loose business cards end up in a pile or on the
floor.  If you have a brochure, best to send a plastic stand holder to
display.   If you have a horse for sale......PLEASE, show photos and describe
the horse in detail.
Make it EASY for prospective buyers and folks interested to contact you with
well done flyers and exciting, inviting information.
We have wall space to hang photos (8X10) - be sure to add written information
to the photo to identify back to flyers or brochures.
We are happy to have information for display as we always have folks looking
for a fjord, wanting information on fjords.
Remember, you must make and send information ....... we simply put it out on
display.  Thank you......
Questions?  Send to me @

Thanks.......Linda Baker Lottie in WI

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