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In a message dated 10/20/2009 11:23:19 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

> The reason you do not see our people wearing helmets is because we try to
> teach people that rather than be brave because they are wearing a a helmet 
> to
> protect
> them, they would be better off not riding until their horse is behaving
> safely.
> People have called us brave for not wearing helmets, but we say they are a
> lot braver than we are. We would not get on their horse until we had
> addressed
> the issues that cause it to behave in unsafe ways.
> We hope this helps,
> From the Faculty, Parelli Centers

  For one, I know 2 people who are Parelli followers who, when this rather 
bad press came out, did, for themselves, also write for explanations on this 
helmet stand. Both got similar letters, then there was a period of silence 
from the " official " camp. I also heard when they changed their opinion on 
helmets and started putting out one of 2 same versions of what you recieved 
Heather.  GOOD !

For the record.....I personally care less that they changed their opinion 
than the fact that they did. I also believe that if all other horse training 
marketers started wearing helmets during their demos that it would greatly 
help the often newby group looking for training help. When the rodeo bull 
riders started wearing protective headgear it opened the door for alot of " 
wanna-be-never-will-be's to think about their face, teeth, neck and brain while 
climbing on a 2000 lb jet engine without steering. 

Now, if you could get MY ego where it should be, and wear a helmet in the 
show ring when Im driving my horses.....but, what would I do with all of 
those vintage hats I have collected ???     ; )                      * I do 
it in my training and home life. Helmet head hair and proud.

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