This message is from: Linda Lottie <>

Good Afternoon, List
Have enjoyed the discussion of fjord types.
I own three fjords.  All three are mid to heavy draft.  The youngest, gelding,
age 7 has been trained to ride and drive.  He is my daughter's favorite to, he has more experience under saddle than pulling a cart.
This gelding is nearly 14.2 and a BIG boy with a huge head.  There is nothing
"fine boned" about him.  However, my daughter thinks he is the BOMB!!!  Why?
He LOVES to canter.
My daughter has NO INTEREST in driving.  NONE, nada.......   She (and her age
mates) are the future for fjord shows - and, future fjord
Young people prefer to ride and love to ride fjords.  Frankly, I like to ride
and will until I can no longer get my butt in the saddle.  I also enjoy
driving......and purposefully learned to drive knowing one day I would not
Young people (and more "mature" as well) want fjords that
RIDE.......WELL.......all three gaits.  They want to show their fjords and
want them to be mannerly, collected.
If you want to sell your fjord/fjords.......have them trained to move
well/collected at the walk, trot and canter........riding and driving.
Most folks do not have the skill, time or desire to work with a fjord to bring
it to a place where it can be shown or safely ridden at all three gaits.
I LOVE driving my fjord - but, we ride more.  We have a choice......and for
now, riding wins!!!
Fine boned, mid-draft, drafty.......matters not.  A well trained, collected,
horse at all three gaits is a joy to own and to ride.
Confirmation and temperament paired with a knowledgeable trainer, IMO, will
tell you what you need to know to fully enjoy your fjord or market your horse
to the right buyer......and the right discipline.
If you are a are half-way there and can save a bunch of
money :)
JMHO on a dreary damp fall day in NW Wisconsin.
Linda Baker LottieGrantsburg WIOwner of Sven (driving buddy), Lena
(ride/drive), Hasse (ride/drive)

Loss is the only trauma in the world where the victims are expected by
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