This message is from: Deb Logan <>

Brigid - I have read many posts from you over the years - so sorry for your
loss. What a great human companion you were for Knute!! What a great life you
two shared. What a hard, selfless decision you made for him.

Really enjoyed the video - thanks - Deb in NW Washington

> Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 19:23:18 -0800
> From:
> Subject: Fair Acres Knute
> To:
> This message is from: BRIGID WASSON <>
> Hi Everyone-
> I am broadcasting from Colorado Springs, Colorado where I am
> visiting my good friend Holly. We just got back from a chilly walk with her
> Scotty "Duffy" and are thawing out with hot tea.
> Some of you will remember
> Knute, the fiery young Fjord gelding I purchased from Denise Delgado 10
> ago. We had a special connection from the time we met, and each month and
> the bond grew stronger and we did more and more amazing things. I hoped to
> have him with me for another 10 years, but it was not to be. All the time I
> had him, he had minor digestive problems: loose stool, some weight loss,
> always resolved itself. The last two years, he lost significant weight and
> always had diarrhea, and none of the prescribed treatments did any good. In
> February he colicked, and an endoscope revealed a huge hair ball in his
> stomach. The vet removed it and he perked up, but still wouldn't gain
> -- and we all know if a Fjord doesn't gain weight on alfalfa and Equine
> twice a day, something is terribly wrong. Last month he colicked again, and
> was a bad one, down and rolling. The vet pulled him through, but I started
> wonder if I was
> doing what was best for him. He was thin, lethargic, and slowly and
> mysteriously dying. The most heartbreaking part is that he was always my
> willing companion, even when he must have felt very unwell; I was riding
> up until the last colic, going way out into the mountains with my mule colt
> tow.
> I decided I didn't want to wait until the next colic and have to call
> the vet out in the middle of the night when Knute is in agony, so I
> an appointment to have him humanely euthanized. My vet was awesome, calling
> on my cell as soon as she got the message from the office staff and
> it with me. She agreed with my decision and said it was a "dignified" way
> go. Working at the animal shelter, I help people with this sort of thing
> the time, assuring them that they are doing the best thing for their animal
> and they shouldn't second-guess themselves, but how hard it is to be on the
> other side! The week before, I came home and cried every night. On the
> appointed day, I groomed Knute, loaded him up, and dropped him off at the
> vet's office. He was actually cheerful, recognizing the staff and the place
> where he'd been pampered during his February hospitalization. I'd swear he
> smiling when I left, and that's what I'll always
> remember.
> Necropsy results showed an abnormal stomach with a stricture
> preventing food from exiting, which explains everything. I imagine as he
> older the walls thickened further/became less elastic so that he was no
> able to self-resolve the frequent blockages. My vet assured me that I did
> right thing, as this is not fixable and another mass was building up in the
> stomach, so the next colic was just around the corner.
> I've lost a good
> friend. Horses enrich our lives so much, causing us to go places we
> have gone, do things we wouldn't have done. Love and appreciate your
> I made a memorial slide show which is here
> Brigid Wasson
> SF Bay Area, CA
> Rafael and Johanna (more on her in another post) the Fjords, and Druid the
> mule
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