This message is from: Robin Churchill <>

> "training" as they tied her head to her body in a bitting
> rig and left her standing in a stall. 

My personal opinion is that anyone who ties a horse with their head in a 
certain position--to a tree, in the stall, wherever should be taken out and
whipped THEMSELVES. 

>  AND you are
> welcome to watch any and all of their methods from the
> ground up and all of it seems sensible and logical to you
> and you are comfortable with it.

I had several trainers that I have ridden with that would have jumped at the 
chance to train Ooruk despite him being a fjord. However, even though I have 
ridden with some of those people, when I was riding the horse, I was there to 
monitor what was going on and to protect him from inappropriate actions. Two of 
the trainers who were interested in him are very accomplished FEI riders but I 
didn't send him to them because I've seen them do things like lose their 
tempers with horses and use the whip more than liberally and I thought 
inappropriately. Whips are to reinforce the leg, not to beat the horse with if 
you get pissed. I think when you lose your temper with a horse, it is time to 
get off. That doesn't mean that you should let horses do what they want, it's 
just that I think when you lose your temper, your effectiveness as a trainer is 
gone and you need to come back another time. I also don't agree that as a rider 
you should be willing to accept any
 kind of treatment from a trainer. Some of these people get results but at what 
price? In terms of treatment of horses, if someone is doing something that you 
think is cruel or inhumane, it probably is and we shouldn't stand for it. In 
dressage, in western, in hunters, in eventing, in saddleseat (it happens in all 
disciplines) people need to show the courage to speak out against abuse and 
stop rewarding the people that perpetuate it.


Robin in Florida where it is hot again

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