This message is from: Lauren Sellars <>

I beleave the phrase you mean to say Gail is "negative removal" Or the two methods are also called "removal reinforcement" & *" reward reinforcement " Great topic going on here.and good writitng. I have recently picked up a target training :Clicker training book . Very interesting I tend to want my voice to be the click. altho a click may be more precise I am convinced that carrots make them learn much faster and try harder. Some horses don't need much of this and others really do, to perk there interest and try.
Happy training to you all.

Gail Russell wrote:
This message is from: Gail Russell <>

I was a little unclear in my wording.  Clinton, Parelli, and most other
clinicians use a release.  A release is "negative reinforcement" in behavioral
science.  The pressure, when coupled with its removal, is the negative
reinforcement.  I

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