This message is from: "Curtis Pierce" <>

Hi, Starting in March, the NFHR is going to distribute a newsletter for the
months that the Fjord Herald is not distributed. This newsletter will be
distributed by email and posted on the NFHR website.  The deadline for the
first issue is Mar 5. Tentatively, we plan to publish newsletters in March,
May, June, August, September, November, December, and February.  This could
be adjusted in the future.

The newsletter needs a name, so send name suggestions and articles to me at  This is another excellent opportunity for Fjord clubs,
farms, and individuals to announce events, activities, and accomplishments
to the Fjord community.  We encourage you to use pictures with the articles.
Since we will not have the space of the Fjord Herald, please keep your
announcements and stories short.  It is OK to submit your articles to both
the Fjord Herald and the newsletter, but our main purpose is the distribute
time critical or timely information in the newsletter and leave the bigger
items for the Fjord Herald.

Contact me if you need more information or have any comments about the
newsletter project.

Take care!
Curt Pierce
Mathias, WV
We have about 4 feet of snow on the ground and it is snowing again!

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