This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <>

Guess I will have to make a mental note , never to email/write with specifics after flying back home and getting home after midnight. When I spoke about the MWFHC'S winter meeting I forgot to mention Deeanna Weed gave a GREAT talk on leather work/repair. Many of you might know that Deeanna and Chuck have a business called Classic Bells and they have beauitful bells, but if you didnt' know Deeanna is GREAT with leather, she does super work. I have a custom halter that is lovely. She can make, I bet, just about anything! Really, if you are in the market for a halter, bridle, bitless bridle, etc etc, see Deanna! It was standing room only for her talk Friday night at our Winter Meeting. She is ALWAYS very informative, super knowledgeable and a great speaker. AND...I missed Robin Holland on Sunday she had an update on the white markings with the Fjord Horse. I chuckle, because this time around, I was able to stay with her for about 10 - 15 minutes, last year when she gave the first talk, hmmm ya I was lost after about 2 minutes! She is VERY smart. So...wanted to add this , that it was just an oversight on my part, can I say old age and lack of sleep is my excuse. :-)

Also , the pricings on the DVD, if interested, check out the website, to get the correct pricing on our DVD's. You can also check out our new line of designs and clothing.

Boy, sure how I got it all right this time, 3rd time the charm! What a week.

Patti Jo Walter

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