This message is from: "Pasqual, Tish" <>

I think before purchasing harness it is a good idea to think about
things you like to do, and the type of storage you have for your tack.
If you are the kind of person who enjoys taking apart your harness and
cleaning it (and you will do this many times during a show), and you
have tack room that you keep dehumidified in the summer and heated in
the winter, and the pride of a beautiful leather harness will pull you
along through all the work, go for leather.  If you want to have minimal
care of your harness, and are okay with a harness that doesn't have
quite the loveliness of leather, then you will be happy with a good
quality beta biothane.  My advice:  help someone take apart, clean, and
put back together their leather harness and then make your decision -
and make it brass so you have to clean that too, because there is a
choice of metal that needs care (brass) versus the more minimal care
metal.  I decided on beta, but have only ever done smaller shows and
have a preference for the timed classes over the beauty classes.

We are having nice early spring weather here in Minnesota, and look
forward to some great driving weather!

Tish and Elph in Minneapolis

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