This message is from: Linda Syverson Kerr <>

glad you got home okay
sushi was gross not sure maybe the fresh stuff @ a restaurant is the way to go
I LOVE THE should not have....
tell randy thursday of horse expo I will have for him a cpl of burgers 
jim read to reidar, chris brushed him..he poo'd, jim and chris put him in the 
electric area...and he ran around for a little...walked in the pen and ate 
hay..started eating the protein block 
me and zoey are cuddling...
I am still full....

From: Kathy M. Johnson <>
To: Fjordlist <>
Sent: Sat, April 3, 2010 9:06:22 PM
Subject: Iowa Horse Fair

This message is from: "Kathy M. Johnson" <>

The fjords will have a presence at the Iowa Horse Fair....thanks to Peggy
Auwerda!  She has been training my two 3 yo geldings....and thought they might
like a trip to the big city of Des Moines the weekend of April 10-11.  We will
be in the Parade of Breeds aisle....stop by and chat. The Parade of Breeds
starts at noon in the  Pavillion.  If you have any For Sale or services you
want advertised....please send to me, arriving by Wednesday 4/7.  I am OK with
an email version and I can print some up for the table.  Snail mail: Kathy
Johnson, 9277 Meridian Av. S, Montrose, MN  55363

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