This message is from: Sarah Clarke <>

Tonja - If the mare was not previously part of the herd, I would proceed with 
extreme caution. Wait until the foal is large and robust.  Then put the mare 
and foal where they are adjacent but not in togehter and watch behaviro.  If 
there is any agressive behavior going on either others going after the newbies 
ore the mare defednign her baby, wait a long time before going to the next 

About keeping babies out of mom;s grain bowl.  I allow mine access - but lately 
I've been wondering. My 2 nursing moms are getting skinny and thebabies look 
fat and sassy -maybe I need a reverse creep feeder.

 From: Tonja Acker-Richards <>
 We are considering integrating a mare and  foal into our established herd. 
Suggestions for this would be appreciated. We have three fjords presently in a 
run in situation .
Also do you have to keep the foal out of moms grain bowl? I used to know this 
stuff but it's been a while.

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