This message is from:

Hi all!
    My boys have a modest grassy pasture with lots of  trees so they can 
choose where to be in most weather.  The back door of the  barn is always open 
too so they can go into their stalls anytime they  want.  I bring them in 
at night and I DO bring them in for big  thunderstorms or anything that might 
be considered a raging gale.  I don't  know if that's the best choice but 
it makes me feel better to give them what  protection I have to offer.  Since 
they have breakfast and dinner in their  rooms, they don't see coming 
inside as a bad thing.
    Everyone have a wonderful time at BE this  year!  I know it's just 
going to be great!!  I am  SO sorry that Braveheart, Bogie and I can't all your nifty stories for us net-readers when you get  back!
Kay Van Natta
and Braveheart, who is very disappointed about staying home
and Bogie, who is happily scratching his patootie on an apple tree and  
could not be reached for comment.
In a message dated 7/13/2010 8:33:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

This  message is from: "Debby" <>

I don't  leave mine out in any kind of rain or storms.  But mine are 
stalled  at

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