This message is from: Heather Baskey <>

Taking a deep breath prior to posting this.  I am looking for positive,
constructive posts on what "might" be happening and if I can take any "Fjord
Experience" to my vet, all the better.  I hope this comes out the right way,
but I am not looking for sympathy - only positive energy, answers that might
help in this situation ... so here it goes:
Henry Fjord has currently been tested for EPM, Equine HV-1 and he had x-rays
done of his cervical area.

He has now been graded as Grade 3-4 Ataxia (incoordination) and is considered
to be a “danger to humans” based on his incoordination and risk of falling
(I'm not in agreement with this statement from my vet, at this time - but will
leave it at that.  I am surmising it is her liability disclosure statement).
Vets have given their thoughts that it "could" be:
1.  EPM or early stages of EHV-1 (recoverable stage?)
2.  Wobbler's
3.  Trauma to the Cervical area.

They were not certain on any of them, just stating that his symptoms are
clinical signs of any of the above.

I don't mean to sound cynical, but from the conflicting reports, I have no
faith left in the Vets – I am getting so many mixed signals – do they not
get bedside manner? And the extreme stress level they can put someone

Anyhow – BEST case scenario they are giving me - would be EPM (which is a
HORRIFIC condition, but recoverable). 

I am remaining optimistic and remain strong to the belief that it will be
something the vets can work with.  But, if anyone has any light to share
sudden onset of Ataxia in Fjords, it would be greatly appreciated.  Perhaps,
there is someone out there who has some experience that might help???   I
know I am reaching, grasping - but I want to do everything humanely possible
to help my cherished, beloved yellow pony!

Ontario - Canada

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