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Hello List. Willi Fjord is up and about, trying to coordinate his front end 
with his back end. He has had a monster size pee, so that is good.

It was not a tumor. It was an infection that had eaten away at the coffin bone. 
He has a hole at the apex of his frog the size of between a quarter and a half 
dollar. He is on antibiotic, and they are culturing the yuck to see how better 
to treat it. We have 2 hurdles to overcome. Well 3 I guess. The coffin bone may 
break before it re-calcifies. The infection may spread to the joint. We need to 
be granulating and showing healthy tissue in a couple weeks to a month.

He gets his hospital plate on Thursday I think. Maybe late tomorrow. He is 
bandaged up to stop the bleeding right now. He still looks to come home 

We will never know the cause of this. The vet's best guess was that it had been 
going on for months. He told me to stock up on Elastikon, sterile gauze pads, 
saline solution, and duct tape. They will show me what to do with the hospital 
plate when they put it on. The good news is that his hoof wall was not 
affected, and his laminae are fine.

If you could continue to hold good thoughts for my Big Butter Cookie, I would 
appreciate it. I was hoping for tumor removal, done and over, lots of nursing 
care, and a healthy horse. I go back for visiting hour at 4, so if there is 
anything new I will let you know. Thanks for everything.

Kathy in SC and Wm Fjord in NC, who is wondering why he can't remember the 
party, what's all this stuff on my hoof, and where the heck is Horsekeeping 
with my breakfast, dammit.

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