This message is from: Phillip Odden <>

Hello all,

Else and I returned from the World Equestrian Games yesterday. It was a wonderful experience. The people were very friendly, the weather was good most of the time, and the venue was wonderful. We had the opportunity to see some of the best horses, riders and drivers in the world. And we had the opportunity to drive our two Fjords, Marcy and Herger at the Equine Village arena in the ADS Driving Derby. My wife Else along with Howard and Sophie Fiedler teamed up to navigate groom and polish our turnout.

I posted a few blogs to the NFHR site along with pictures. Else will be posting more pictures to our website at www.

The driving derby was all about driving a course of cones and two lettered obstacles as fast as we could go. We started out in as fast a gallop as we could muster and tried to keep them in at least a canter through the turns around the arena without hitting anything. Howard was leaning on the marathon vehicle to keep it right side up. It was exciting. They were keeping times for each run. We were competing with several other breeds. People enjoyed our Fjords and respected what they could do.

I have never written much about my two performance horses Silver Willow Marcy C-P-2646-M and Ke Ja Co's Herger KEF-K-2152-G. These are both Canadian bred Fjords. I bought marcy from Darryl Davis in Saskatchewan as a two year old. I trained her to drive and ride at age three. I chose her because she is nicely proportioned with a long neck and good muscling. She moves very well with a big over stride at the walk and trot making for very nice gaits. She stands about 14.1hh. She was evaluated for conformation at 82. She received a 92 for her intro driving test. For the advanced driving part A she earned a 92 and advanced part B she had a 92.5 which are among the highest NFHR driving scores to this point.

Herger was bred and trained by Orville and Anita Unrau in British Columbia Canada. I got him in 2006 and he was born in 1997. I have used him in pairs and single. Herger has trained several fjords to drive in a pair as has Marcy. Both horses have been driven in a team of four. Herger is a well built Fjord standing about 14.2. He is well muscled with good legs and a very nice head. He has a good walk and a good trot. After working with Marcy his walk and trot have improved since she moves bigger than he does and I do what I can to improve their movement.

Both these Fjords have exceptional dispositions. I have sorted through a lot of Fjord horses here on our farm looking for exceptional movement and exceptional dispositions. I like horses with a very laid back disposition. My theory is that you can always build the fire in them rather than having to deal with hot headed horses all the time. I like to be able to relax when I am using my Fjords. The experience at the WEG is a good example.

In the Driving Derby we wanted them to go as fast as they could go at a full gallop and then come back when asked. When we were finished they stood quietly as people stroked them as we stood by the rail of the arena to visit with people. Before we drove Howard and I would drive them around the WEG grounds up and down the side walks meeting people. I could trust them to be enclosed by a large group of children as they were poked and prodded, petted pampered by the crowd. These horse go hunting with me in the fall in Colorado and this year perhaps Montana. They are able to put up with rifle fire and they can pack out heavy loads of elk meat. I can trust them to be tied to a tree all day while I am off hunting a long way from camp and be there when I return ready to take me home safely.

In the dressage portion of the Combined Driving Event they are very respectable. Last spring in Kentucky we had the best Prelim dressage score of all horses,ponies, single or pairs at the event. I have heard people say that performance horses tend to have poor dispositions. Not necessarily true. You can have performance and top dispositions and that is what Fjord Horses are all about as far as I am concerned. Marcy and Herger had just a small part at the 2010 World Equestrian Games but everyone that saw them understood that they were willing, talented and very calm. It is important to continue to breed Fjords that are trainable and have good dispositions. Horses are like children.

They are all good until you ask them to do something.


Phillip Odden
Barronett, Wisconsin

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