This message is from: Cynthia Madden <>

Thanks all for the kind words about Nigel. He was a special guy. His owner
called me this morning to say she was depressed at his lost and especially
the fact that he was her escape from family and a stressful job. She wanted
to know if she could continue to come out and visit the boys. I had already
told her she would be welcomed anytime.

BTW, I neglected to say in Nigel's bio that that he was also owned by the
Budweiser Busch's in St. Louis where the Kellers bought him. He had an
illustrious career in his younger days.

Pictures of Nigel are on my website listed below.

Our famous list owner, Steve, broke his arm this evening while feeding the
horses. Teddy has a large share of the blame. Now we make quite a pair.
Steve with his arm in sling and me lurching along with my crutch. I am
trying to come up with a really creative story that explains our appearance.
Any ideas? I guess we should be grateful that the doc has put off my surgery
for at least three months.

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM

No philosophers so thoroughly comprehend us as dogs and horses.  ~Herman
Melville, Redburn. His First Voyage, 1849

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