This message is from: "Rose or Murph" <>

Hello List,
I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year. My heart goes out to you Debby
with your missing sister, and to your other sister who is losing her home.
Hopefully 2011, will be a much better year for your family, and mine. My
Hubby has been out of work for 18 months, when his shop closed up after 23
years of being employed. It has been very difficult for us financially, and
down-right depressing at times especially around the holidays. 
I have had the holiday blues, so I decided to get busy with my best
anti-depressive medicine that I could think of, My Fjord.  I rode in to the
new year this year on my mare Farra and really enjoyed myself, almost to the
point of the "rider high" where I could not get enough!  I trailered her out
the past three very cold days in freezing temps, and rode to my heart's
content.  I was expecting some cold weather silliness, but there was not any
of that, just plain fun working on her very nice forward trot.  We had
beautiful sun here so I took advantage of it, and boy I had fun.  These
yellow horses sure are special.
Rosemary and Farra, in Roy, Washington.

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