This message is from: Ron & Sherrie Dayton <>

After many years of building horse drawn equipment, I still ponder about what 
size critter is going to pull this thing I just created?  Whether it be horse, 
mule, donkey, lama, I still find that I must measure out the animal in all 
directions to get a true idea of what the situation is.  We all have our 
favorite breeds and realize they come in different sizes even if they are 
called say a Fjord, Quarter horsed, Welsh, or any other breed.  I often tell 
customers that before I can build them any equipment I first need to know all 
about the animal and size it up from all angles.  I am just curious to see if 
most of us horse lovers are on the same track as far as size and breed goes.  
Say if we start with the very smallest of horses.  I call these Minnie s, and I 
guess there is a limit before they become a pony at least for the purist.  The 
way I see it is as follows:  Minney, pony, 3/4, horse light draft med 
draft,heavy draft and so on to the Gentle Giants.  Where would you pla!
 ce a heave built drafty 15 hand Fjord?  I would place him or her in the light 
draft spot. So, I guess a Fjord can go from pony to 3/4 to full horse and in 
some cases light draft.  When I build a wagon, I build it for one of five 
categories, minie, pony, 3/4, horse, or draft.  The 3/4 in my mind would be a 
large pony, or small horse such as a Haflinger, small Fjord, Hackney, or any 
light horse.  I have seen Morgans that would go into the light draft.  I built 
a cart for a woman with a Bulldog Quarter horse that was very husky and tall 
with real drafty characteristics.  So, to sum it up, I guess size is in the eye 
of the beholder, and it is truly not an exact science.  
The main thing I guess to consider is that what ever you expect to pull with 
your critter must be something he or she can handle. Just some thoughts to 
ponder while we are all trying to get over our cabin fever.  They say spring is 
coming, "The sooner the better for us!"  Well, I hope to see some of you folks 
in Oregon for the sale in April,  "Happy 
trails to you all"  RD

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