This message is from: Linda Syverson Kerr <>

This email is sent from Linda Syverson Kerr @

Dear List:

Many have sent me emails asking how I have been doing since my accident almost 
11 months ago. There are many of you that I have seen, at conventions, clinics 
or will see as I am out and about at shows. Here is the update. 

I have for the last almost 2 months, been working on a "work hardening" return 
to work schedule with the State of WI. I worked part time, trying to build to 
full time.

It has not been easy for me, a lot had changed with my job since the accident 
and some I lost w/ my long and short term memory.  However, the State of WI, 
will no longer allow my return to work plan, as I am not coming along as fast 
they will allow. Even though there is no written policy or procedure of this, 
they have only allowed non work related accidents 30 days to come back FT, they 
gave me 1 1/2.

I have come a long way since my accident, the Dr's remark that with the 
seriousness of my accident, I am lucky to be alive, let alone upright and 
functioning.  But not all is sad,
I just spent 2 1/2 wks with the Kramer family in CA, working their wonderful 
stock at West Coast Fjords, that they are raising.

Life shall go on. There is a greater plan for me in life, someday it will come 
to me. As far as showing? It will be a slow process. I need to spend time 
building my own endurance up let alone a Fjord's. Maybe this fall you will see 
me in the ring driving. Maybe not, time will tell. Right now, I am focusing on 

Take care everyone and please wear a helmet. Life can change for you in a blink 
of an eye. Take it from someone who know first hand. Mine did.  

Linda Syverson Kerr

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