This message is from: laurie with <>

it's muzzle time. best friends has made a new muzzle with a change in design and extra straps which they call houdini horse proof. oz has proven you can't call it fjord-proof.

thursday after my ride he had it on. when my pasture partner came to ride later, it was off. she looked everywhere. after our lesson yesterday, i walked the entire mud sucking pasture, bad knee and all, looking for it. on my way back to the fence, i glanced at this huge fallen log that i looked all around the first time past it. sitting nicely on the end, tucked behind the root area, was the muzzle. the plastic buckle had broken, as it should. i laughed out loud.

fixed the buckle, and tramped across the pasture again. why are they always at the far end of the pasture when we are looking for them. i got the muzzle back on, readjusted it for better fit. first oz got really mad at one of the mares he shares the pasture with because she wouldn't help him get it off. good, i thought, nobody will help him. i headed for the gate. halfway there i turned around in time to see him walk to the big stump again, tap his head against it and the muzzle popped right off. sigh. back i go. put it back on, gave him the stink eye and hoped for the best.

if anyone is interested, i posted a photo of the infamous muzzle on my facebook page.

i love my pony.

laurie, and oz, who field tests muzzles

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