This message is from: Susan Giargiari <>

So sorry to hear of the loss of your Sweet Old Man, Bjarne, Jean. He certainly
is at the end of the Rainbow Bridge with a lot of good company......Sunday,
Saskia, Rosita, Dena, Kezar, and many more of our loved Fjords....there's a
whole herd of them to great him....who knows...maybe he will be the Boss Man
of the Rainbow Bridge!!  You are in my thoughts and prayers...Sue g.

> Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 10:37:10 -0800 (AKDT)
> From:
> Subject: R.I.P old Bjarne, C23
> This message is from:
> My old Bjarne, 36, passed away peacefully last night, laid down in the field
on a
> soft cushion of grass and passed away.  He had been declining for the last 3
> or so, eating less and less, I think he was in Kidney failure.  We put him
down in
> the little one acre pasture yesterday so he could get out of the muddy coral
> lie down, and planned to Euthanize him today, but found him peacefully lying
> this morning, gone.  He will be buried right where he lies, he picked the
> spot.  Thanks, old man. I'm glad he went this way rather than having to put
> down.
> I had him for 24 years, and he was a good old boy!  Grumpy at the end, but
was boss
> of the herd until the last three weeks.  I'll miss him!
> Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, a sunny day and 70 degrees
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