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Susan - did not mean to scare you with bolting stories. For every bolting
story, there are thousands of hours of wonderful meandering trail rides,
talking with friends and enjoying their, and your horse's, company. They
are just not exciting to relate!

Has your horse had any trail experience? Have you had trail experience on
a different horse? When I had more nervous horses (Morgans in my case), I
would have a younger friend or Pony Club girl ride them the first time in
the spring on a trail and then when all went well, I did the next ride.
Mostly it is about confidence, yours and the horse's. If one of you lacks
it, the other will follow suite. You can fake it somewhat, by normal
breathing and pretending, but that only goes so far.

Remember, a "trail" can be just going down the drive and back, or around
the outside of the ring. Just start small and work your way to longer
wonderful rides. Following another relaxed rider on a relaxed horse
almost always helps too.
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