This message is from: Bonnie Morris <>

Hello Marie and Samsun

Yes I have seen this issue come up in a few different Fjords that I have
trained.   The best thing to do is have a well respected farrier evaluated the
situation.   Your vet may have a good recommendation.    Without seeing the
horse I can only guess, but I can tell you about some of the other Fjords that
have had this issue.    One had not been trimmed correctly in a long time and
the hoof angles were very off.    Another one hit toe first and was very
scary.   This one's toe had to be taken way back and a rolled shoe put on.
It solved the problem,  but had to be done regularly to keep from tripping,
another  one had founder issues that could not be totally helped.    And some
times they need just need work over  poles to get them to pick up their feet
and learn how to balance themselves.    For what ever reason I have seen this
issue come up more in the Fjords than other breeds that I have worked with.

Good luck with Samsun  Hopefully this issue will be something simple!

Bonnie Morris

Western WA Windy, but sunny:)

-----Original Message-----
From: Marie <>
To: fjordhorse <>
Sent: Mon, Feb 6, 2012 5:40 pm
Subject: Tripping in Fjord horses

This message is from: Marie  <>

i all
as anyone here had a problem with their horses tripping or stumbling?
y gelding Sam occasionally stumbles when being ridden and when being worked in
t is scary and frustrating. He seems to trip mostly at the walk, but once in a
hile at the trot.
 have been trimming his hooves.myself for the past two years, but am planning
n having a professional out to evaluate his hoof balance.
 also plan on working on his overall strength and fitness, as I believe that
robably playing a role on the tripping.
 would greatly appreciate any input and to hear if anyone else has dealt with
his problem on any of their horses, as well as solutions they found.
hank you
arie (and Samsun) from Long Island
ent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
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