This message is from: Cynthia Madden <>

I just caught the tail end of the show a couple of weeks ago while changing
channels and saw someone wheeling a carriage out of the pasture. Never knew
it featured a Fjord. I meant to watch it the next week to see what was
going on and of course, spaced it!

However despicable the show, what an opportunity for exposure to Fjords and
carriage driving.  Probably a lot more people watch the Bachelor than the
infrequent opportunities on RFD-TV. It sounds as if the presentation is
great. What an opportunity for sellers of quality Fjords.  I can see it now
in the ad - "as featured on The Bachelor!"

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM

No philosophers so thoroughly comprehend us as dogs and horses.  ~Herman
Melville, Redburn. His First Voyage, 1849

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