This message is from: Robin Churchill <>

The sad thing about it is that I am almost happy to pay what I am paying if
the hay is good and all edible. Sometimes we will get hay that 1 or 2  or more
of 10,20,30 bales either were cut on the edge and are full of weeds or weren't
cured well enough and smell off and I won't feed something like that because
$50 is nothing compared to taking a horse across the state for a visit to Palm
Beach Equine in the middle of the night so I end up giving it away to feed to
someone's cows. At some places, I can take it back, but it is so far that it's
not worth the fuel and the trouble. Here we just get whatever we get and if
you don't have air conditioning for your hay in the summer, you can't keep it
long. I have a little air conditioner in my hay room so I can keep hay for a
long time and kind of stock up but nothing compared to people in cooler
climates who can buy hundreds of bales at a time. I think I can fit about 60
in my little feed barn if I really stuff
 it full.


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