This message is from: Frederick Pack <>

Today is the 2nd birthday of our yet unregistered filly, Tova Tu.

It was noted in the NFHR BOD minutes that the BOD didn't want to take
sides regarding registering our baby.

Somehow, I thought the purpose of the NFHR was to promote the Fjord
and protect the breed.

How does doing nothing, I.E. not taking sides promote the well being
of a beautiful little girl?

I suggest you re-read the post by our former trainer, posted on this
list on Tue 3/6/2012 11:00 AM and my un-answered rebuttal posted Tue
3/6/2012 1:03 PM.

In the mediation, the first question asked of us was: "Are any horses
involved in any settlement?" Answer was "Absolutely NOT!"  Subject

Apparently our former trainer had no inkling what an option in an
agreement is.  Maybe someone should educate her.
The only reason we signed an agreement containing that option clause
was to get rid of her as we had no intention of paying another dime.
What we did pay, as part of the agreement went to HER attorney.

I would like to restate something: Lois and I would be willing to take
a lie detector test to allay any doubts that what we have written and
said IS true.
Our mare was bred against our expressed denial of permission.  No
signed breeding agreement, or oral agreement or permission, ever
existed. PERIOD!

It cost us over $30,000 in legal fees to recover our horses.  We
agreed to drop any further claims against her for "missing equipment"
and "neglect of our horses".
She, supposedly agreed to drop any and all further claims against

We have attempted to honor the agreement.  She has not. She had
disparaged us publicly.
She claims in a letter to the registrar (in attempting to register our
foal herself) that an agreement exists.  That is a lie.
She claimed that she is in the process of claiming our foal.  Another
lie?  Our baby is still here, eating treats our of my hand and giving
me warm nuzzles.

We spent my retirement money to "rescue" our horses.  We made a
commitment to our horses, and lived up to that commitment.

It is time for the NFHR BOD to grant a waiver of the Certificate of
Breeding Requirement and take a side for the sake of an innocent

I ask each reader to write to each board member and demand their
reasons for not allowing such an exemption.

The exemption is JUSTIFIED.

When our former trainer was trying to raise money to buy her white
stallion, we were offered breeding's to that stallion for $500.00.  We
never signed one or paid her in advance for a breeding.   We discarded
the forms.

In the event that the NFHR BOD still lacks the will power to do
something right:

I offer her, NOW, $500.00 to sign a Certificate of Breeding.  For the
sake of our baby!  She can NOT become sausage.

Ms. Morris, you have ONE WEEK and this OPTION will expire.  It will
die, midnight PDT June 11th, 2012.  The money is NOT negotiable.
I can put a check in the hands of President Pedersen, to be released
when a COB is received by the NFHR.

Tova Tu says: "Don't forget me. I am a pure bred Norwegian Fjord!"

Fred and Lois Pack
Packs Peak Stables
Wilkeson, WA

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