This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <>

> This message is from: Me Kint
> I have learned from past experience it is better to stay out of others
battles.  I'm glad the registry is staying out of it and holding to their
goals, by laws,  etc.
> From Mary's iPad

I agree Mary, you'd think at my age I'd know better =))

These kinds of conflicts can go south on you, ending up with both party's mad
at you for "helping !" I trust that won't be the case.

My thinking was that perhaps within our very large FJ community, there might
be resource for resolution for what seems to be a grievous turn of events for
the Pack's; their un-registered filly.. and for Bonnie's need as well,
justified or not, the outstanding three thousand dollar stud fee that she

I did hear back from the BOD, a courteous note that their decision stands. So
it appears we are at an impasse.
Perhaps if a third party mediator could be engaged.. such as many company's
do.. was it Gayle who might have professional advice therein?

It all comes down to money, doesn't it always? Bonnie wants that $3,000 and
she holds the trump card by way of withholding a breeding certificate for the

maybe the mediator could take up a collection for her..?

I sure wish there was more that could be done to assuage the Pack's sense of
injustice.. like maybe actually listening to them and sympathizing with their
situation--which wouldn't cost anyone anything.

I guess this is where I bow out, how I wish that I could have helped resolve
this issue for a dear young Fjord horse that has no say in the matter.

Perhaps another can help where I could not...

Ruthie, NW MT US

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