This message is from: laurie with <>

interesting discussions. the vet's description of ringbone is pretty much what 
my vet told me when i had oz X-rayed. i know this was starting a couple of 
years back. i wonder if there could be a correlation between overweight and the 
ringbone. i think in people with bad knees (like mine, both replaced) and 
weight. it all puts more stress on their joints.

as far as his case, the vet told the barn manager, that keeping moving is the 
best thing for him. not hard riding, but schlepping around kiddos in lessons 
would be fine, or my wandering around the farm with him. the weight issue is 
part of it, and he is at a very good weight now. between his muzzle, and the 
lessons, he is healthier looking than ever. his feet look very good, and i am 
amazed at how much larger they are now than before we started shoeing with the 
ringbone in mind.

as far as salt, the first riding instructor i had was very much into natural 
remedies and healing, and highly suggested redmond salt, even the blocks of it 
that were chipped off and larger block of it. if oz is in the mood for salt, he 
has in the past eaten to the point of peeing a lot, but this is something he 
does frequently. i can almost always count on him to pee just after we get into 
the arena to ride. it's kind of joke with us.

right now we are dealing with heat/humidity, as isso, most of the nation. 101 
is predicted for tomorrow. yesterday when i went to the barn in the morning, i 
found oz eating standing out in the sun. his muzzle was off, which is good, 
because i think it restricts their breathing in some cases. however, even 
without it, he was breathing hard. i hosed him down for quite some time and 
then was lucky enough there was an empty stall, where i put him in with a fan. 
later in the day he was a lot better, but stayed in overnight. today he went 
out for a little while, but they brought him in about noon, hosed him down and 
let him stay inside.

the owner has very nicely allowed me to keep him indoors until it cools down. 
it doesn't seem to bother the other outside boarders like it does him.

i also spoke to her yesterday about moving him, since i felt he wasn't always 
riding sound, and she (and all the kids there) is so fond of him, she gave me 
the option of keeping him there without increasing my costs or charging me for 
lessons i won't take. she totally took me by surprise, and i am pleased. i 
didn't want to leave my best friend and the others friends there. half of the 
riding aspect for us is the social one, and there are several of us "mature" 
women who regularly ride there in the morning.

so we are staying put, and i can stop stressing out quite so much.

laurie with

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