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OK,  Why do you keep them in  stalls?  My three Fjords have two large corrals, 
at each end so they can use both, and I keep the three together...they will run
around the center fence and play and get a lot of exercise.  They have a run-in
shelter and I have a small barn with one stall where I feed the old mare Stella 
mash.  But they don't stay in stalls 16 hours a day, even in the winter.  Why do
you keep yours in stalls in Texas?  When I did have the young mare separated in 
pen with access to the stall all of the time, she would pee in the shavings in  
stall in preference to outside on the ground where it would splatter her legs!  
the winter this was a real problem as the frozen shavings and ice would build 

I used to put shavings in the run-in shelter too, but they would pee in there 
with a build-up of frozen shaving in the winter, so I quit that.  If you keep 
in stalls with a run-in why not have rubber mats in the stalls with no shavings 
they would not pee in there.  Ask Lisa Pedersen how she Trains her fjords not to
pee or poop in the stalls...

Jean in rainy Fairbanks, Alaska......but there is no smoke from fires here!

> Its funny with horses/ponies, all have their fav. spots to pee and seems the
> girls even where they poop.  I'd found the geldings kind of not so
> particular.  My Lang I had was a good boy, if he had access to outside, he'd
> rather go outside, leaving his stall clean.  Another fjord gelding I'd had
> for a bit, was the same way, would keep the stall clean and step outside
> into the sand.  Which sometimes was an issue too, always using the same spot
> over and over, it becomes a bit much for the sand to handle.  So we'd have
> to removed  heavy stinky wet sand, digging to the ground and then add more
> sand.

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