This message is from: "Debby" <>

I really like the grays. Have never seen a yellow or red except pictures, but the grays are neat, just the "panda" bear look to their eyes. I'd only had the one and he was a bit much horse for me, but I thought he was beautiful and put together very nice. Perfect size, conformation seemed perfect. Seemed to me, in the winter, when his coat would grow, it had a brown look to it, you almost could only tell he was a gray by his face, the color of the skin. But when he shed out, was beautiful. My Amber, the year she had her Ynde, she'd shed out and was beautiful, her legs were so black, under the black stripes the hair was dark gray. She almost looked like a gray, but of course her head/face told us otherwise. Must have been beautiful from having given birth, having a foal to take care of...made her "shine!". She was an excellent mom, she spoiled Ynde and let her get away with a lot, but Ynde sure loved her mom. Nothing sweeter than listening to a mare and her baby talk to each other. Debby
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