This message is from: Rose or Murph <>

Today a friend Was grazing an old cranky tb mare too close to my mare who was 
in the cross ties .  To make a long story short, old mare decides to turn her 
butt and and kick at my mare. My little mare, stands up on her hind feet , 
while in the cross ties, and strikes the air with her front feet, at the 
offending kicker, making a loud screeching noise to boot.  Scared the crap out 
of the old cranky mare, and as she was exiting she almost ran over her handler. 
My fjord mare came down and quietly stood there, looking quite pleased  with 

Cranky mare was trembling for quite a few minutes after the exchange. My mare 
is normally very peaceful and easy going, but must have felt threatened enough 
to fight back. Seeing this made me realize how confident she is in herself. 

I went out and had a wonderful ride on the trails afterwards. Beautiful day to 
ride I the northwest, I had fun! 

I also found a great saddle pad, cotton waffle weave, keeps my mare cool, and 
seems to provide grip and stability for the saddle.

Rosemary and Farra in Roy, we.

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