This message is from: "Jerry Friz" <>

Hi and List,
I believe, [could be wrong though] the court did rule in favor of the fishermen. But, Exxon was able to appeal it, and that is where it sits now. Yes, waiting for the poor fishermen to die off.
I too will never buy Exxon products, if I run out of gas I'll walk.
Jerry in NW Wa.


Several of you have asked about the back-story of Chip and Exxon.  Here
goes.  For many years Chip fished commercially in the waters of Prince
William Sound in Alaska.  Then the Exxon Valdez ran aground and destroyed
the fishing putting Chip and a lot of the other small fisherman out of
business.  Exxon has never compensated them for their losses.  Exxon has
settled with the State of Alaska and paid fines to the Federal Government
but never settled with the fisherman that lost everything.  That case is
still winding its way through the court system and Exxon and their high
priced lawyers keep getting it put off so it never goes before a judge so
the fisherman can be compensated fairly.  Exxon is using stalling tactics
figuring that eventually these people will die and or they end up waiting so
long that they will settle for pennies on the dollars of what they are owed.
Every few years you read something about the case finally coming to court
and again it gets put off.

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