This message is from: Steve McIlree <>

Bonnie's story reminds me of our guys yesterday morning. When I feed, I put
them in the round pen to keep them from "helping" while I measure out their
meals. They also get fed in the round pen so they think it's a great place
when we need to get them out of out hair for some reason. The routine is,
once I've measured their hay into muck buckets, I dump the meals over the
pen panel into their feeders and then unlatch the pen gate.

So night before last, when I flipped the chain latch up it caught without
my noticing, and when I went out the next morning to give them breakfast
they were still locked in. Since they had been all night without water I
thought they would make a rush for the waterer as soon as the gate opened.
No, they started checking my pockets for the dinner mint they usually get
when I go into the pasture. After I gave them their mints, did they head
for the water? Nope, they turned around, went back into the pen and stood
by their feeders until I dumped breakfast in.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it.-- Aristotle 384-322 BC

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