This message is from: Frederick Pack <>

Steve, the spark from fence wire to some kind of ground will travel through
the water in the pipe....depending on the mineral content.  Solid metal
pipe to the waterers is LESS apt to shock through the water as the metal
pipe acts as an excellent grounding system. The electrical impulse from the
spark will be dissipated over a larger area. The impulse through a PVC pipe
will be channeled to the easiest point of release..I.E. the horses ground...his feet on the earth (if un-insulated from the ground).

The conductivity of the soil also plays a part....sand will not conduct an
impulse  as easily as iron rich soil.


On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 7:20 AM, Steve McIlree <>wrote:

> This message is from: Steve McIlree <>
> Fred,
> Can a short in the fence cause shocks from the waterers if the water supply
> line is PVC?
> --
> Steve
> I

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