This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <>

Have to give a shout out to ALL those who participated we me, in the Midwest
Horse Fair in Madison WI this last weekend. Joni Griffin, Mike/Susie Sadlon,
Mary Bonde, Kathy Blaszcyk. Ali Austin, Stephanie (???) Julie Cramer's
student Sorry forgot the last name!!!, and Joni had a good friend Ellen C.
riding her horse one of our days. THANK YOU ALL and CONGRATS to us all for a
JOB VERY WELL DONE!!! Lisa Lovett was also in our group but the weather got
the better of her place with flooding out their house, she had to cancel
last minute. L

It was a cold misery weather weekend but our fun was not dampened by the
rain, sleet, snow and cold that we were given this weekend.  We had so much
fun and work/show very well together as did our horses. Granted my horse
didn't behave on Saturday for our demo but she very much liked all the other
horses, just she didn't like the huge crowd or noise or ? in the Coliseum
that day. 

Another HUGE announcement I want to share with everyone is WE WON THE BARN
AWARD!!! That is our Hospitality booth was deemed the BEST over all the
other breeds!! YAHOO, huge thanks goes to Joni Griffin for coming up with
the idea and buying / making everything. Thanks to our great group who puts
it all together in the barn and in record time takes it all down. J We have
a system Joni tells us what to do, we all do it without question! Works
Great!!! The theme was horses and heroes and as I mentioned in other posts,
we honored our men/women of the armed services, it really was awesome. I
will get some footage of our booth and our demo on youtube and share it with
you when it's up!


Also THANK YOU to all who come to watch and cheer us on, we REALLY
appreciate it!!!!! 


Now it's time to start thinking/planning for NEXT YEAR!!

Patti Jo Walter

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