This message is from: Rovena Kessinger <>

Yes.  And with a Carlos Castenada quote.  :)  Something he got from a dream,
I'm sure.  Lucid dreaming and clicker training have been the most fun and
interesting things I have ever learned.  I was trying to think of a way to
combine the two, clicker train myself to lucid dream more, but haven't got it
figured out yet.

--- On Sat, 6/22/13, Mary Ofjord <> wrote:

From: Mary Ofjord <>
Subject: Animal Smarts.................
Date: Saturday, June 22, 2013, 6:44 PM

This message is from: "Mary Ofjord" <>

I agree with Robin's statement and the type of thinking - the animals are
not 'intelligent' almost had me walking out of my job several years ago.
One of my fellow co-workers - an attorney that graduated from Exeter, no
less, said something in passing about the "stupid ducks."  I said, ducks
aren't stupid, they are only being ducks - that's all they know how to do.
You can't judge intelligent from only the human's view.   This escalated
into a - "you're-an- idiot-and-I'm not," argument and I threatened to walk
away from trying to reason with him. We could not agree on any common ground
for either argument.  The outcome, and I've run across this type of thinking
before, is that there are some folks who believe animals have lower
intelligence than humans, and some that believe that they have an equal or
higher intelligence.  Yes, we have the technology, but great apes don't have
to communicate by using their thumbs! (Sorry. I had to put this in!)   Geese
are able to fly south without having to use a giant fuel-burning aircraft.
Horses communicate with subtle body languages that most humans don't pick
up.  Each animal on the planet is not stupid by reason of what they are, and
we, as humans, should not place judgment upon them.

Here is quote from Carlos Castenada    "Self-importance is another thing
that must be dropped, just like personal history. As long as you feel that
you are the most important thing in the world you cannot really appreciate
the world around you. You are like a horse with blinders; all you see is
yourself apart from everything else.   It doesn't matter what you say to a
plant. You can just as well make up words; what's important is the feeling
of liking it, and treating it as an equal.   So, all in all, the plants and
ourselves are even. Neither we nor they are more or less important."

To me, this says it all.   I'm open for criticism....................

Mary Ofjord
North Coast Services, LLC

This message is from: Robin Churchill <>

I respectfully disagree. I think they are a lot smarter than we give them
credit for and at times animals certainly know when they have done something
they are not supposed to and it is not just by training or instinct

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