This message is from: Gail Russell <>

> All that stuff about being "herd leader" is mythology

"I guess you have never seen horses interact"

I think she was referring to the idea that horses see humans as their herd a sort of replacement for the horse leader.  

I agree that there is no evidence that the horse sees someone who does NH with 
it as a replacement for a horse.  In order to say that, one needs to be able to 
read a horse's mind.  Relationship counselors working in the human context 
usually advise one not to read the mind of one's partner, as mistakes can be 
made, and the wrong assumptions made about the partner's thoughts may well not 
be helpful.  It is relevant to look at what happens when natural horsemanship 
is practiced, as the horse no longer rearing, screaming, bolting, etc 
after he/she has been exposed to the natural horsemanship training?

As BF Skinner said, it is more accurate to view the horse's mind as an opaque 
black box and assume you cannot read it.  That way, one can focus on what 
actually happens when one interacts with the horse.


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